The Mayor's Office of Film and TV production has created a vendor program to encourage productions to use local businesses. The program, called the "Made in NY" Discount program, entitles bona-fide productions to a 10% discount when they shop at enrolled businesses. It can be accessed at
We urge Staten Island businesses to enroll in this program to ensure they get the business when filming occurs here.
The "Made in NY" Discount Card opens an opportunity to great savings and special offers for film industry professionals at many of New York City's most popular retail and service establishments, including hotels, restaurants, car rentals, health clubs, automotive services and more! Applications for the "Made in NY" Discount Card can be found online on the website of the Mayor's Office of Film and Television and Vendor Agreement forms can either be faxed to 212-307-6237 or emailed to [email protected]
We urge Staten Island businesses to enroll in this program to ensure they get the business when filming occurs here.
The "Made in NY" Discount Card opens an opportunity to great savings and special offers for film industry professionals at many of New York City's most popular retail and service establishments, including hotels, restaurants, car rentals, health clubs, automotive services and more! Applications for the "Made in NY" Discount Card can be found online on the website of the Mayor's Office of Film and Television and Vendor Agreement forms can either be faxed to 212-307-6237 or emailed to [email protected]
A complete photo portfolio of Staten Island filming locations is available here.
If you are interested in listing your home or business on our film locations website, email photos, a brief description of the space and your contact information to Jennifer Sammartino at [email protected].
If you are interested in listing your home or business on our film locations website, email photos, a brief description of the space and your contact information to Jennifer Sammartino at [email protected].
To view our local filming schedule, return to our main Made On Staten Island page.
Want to find out what’s shooting in NYC – and on SI – right now? Click here.
Want to find out what’s shooting in NYC – and on SI – right now? Click here.